Roses in memory of a beloved
On January 27, 304, a ship was thrown onto a rocky seashore, on it was the body of the young Christian martyr Devot - as the legend says. A white…

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Sardinian protectorate
An agreement between Monaco and Sardinian King Victor Emmanuel I was signed at Stupinigi on November 8, 1817. It was much less favorable for the principality than the treaty with…

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Your home next door to presidents and princes
Monte Carlo, Nice, Cannes ... Sandy beaches and golf courses, fashionable resorts and princely palaces, palm trees and valleys with vineyards - all this excites the imagination and attracts many…

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Monaco Hotels

Wealth and diversity are two characteristic features of the hotel sector of the principality. Old palaces are witnesses of a magnificent past and incomparable luxury. Speaking as a symbol of the legendary era, they challenged time, and in place of yesterday’s traditions, their current reputation has grown. “Hotel de Paris” and “Hotel Hermitage” lead the story in their own way. The first – built in the last century, retained all the splendor of noble architecture, reflected in its hall, the Empire Hall, rooms and salons. The second – together with its neoclassical-style restaurant and the Winter Garden, creates a carefully guarded atmosphere of the “Beautiful era” of the 20th century. Of these two hotels, there is direct access to the Terrace Pool, which is implemented in the shape of a shell and filled with sea water. Continue reading

Nature of monaco

Monaco is located on the southern periphery of the maritime Alps composed of limestone. The climate is Mediterranean with moderately warm winters (average January temperature + 8-10 ° С) and dry, warm and sunny summers (average July and August temperatures 24 ° С). There are up to 300 sunny days a year, and rainy – approx. 60. The average annual rainfall is 1300 mm. They fall mainly in the fall.

The Nature of Monaco The Alps protect the sea from the cold northerly winds. In summer, sea breezes have a cooling effect on the coast. Thanks to its mild climate, Monaco is a popular Mediterranean resort. In the coastal zone, the red-colored soils of terra rso and brown soils are developed; in the mountains, brown forest soils. Continue reading

Royal circus
The XXXIII International Circus Festival in Monte Carlo brought together the best artists from around the world under the dome of the famous tent of Fontvieille. Among them were our…


Older sister (part 1)
Among the inhabitants of the Principality of Monaco, a legend is known about how the distant ancestor of Grimaldi rejected the harassment of a certain lady who turned out to…


Monaco in the late XVIII - early XIX centuries
During the period of the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars. All possessions of the Monaco prince in France were lost after the French Constituent Assembly abolished feudal rights on…
