Collection of vintage cars Prince of Monaco
“This is not a car museum, but a private collection of antique cars of all ages and all countries. Available to everyone or prestigious, they were the masterpieces of their…

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Older sister (part 1)
Among the inhabitants of the Principality of Monaco, a legend is known about how the distant ancestor of Grimaldi rejected the harassment of a certain lady who turned out to…

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Rolls-Royce Land (part 1)
In Monaco, the powers that be are twisting novels, losing crazy amounts in casinos, and indulging in other pleasures of life ... Thoughts free and involuntary The yachts on the…

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Monaco Hotels

Wealth and diversity are two characteristic features of the hotel sector of the principality. Old palaces are witnesses of a magnificent past and incomparable luxury. Speaking as a symbol of the legendary era, they challenged time, and in place of yesterday’s traditions, their current reputation has grown. “Hotel de Paris” and “Hotel Hermitage” lead the story in their own way. The first – built in the last century, retained all the splendor of noble architecture, reflected in its hall, the Empire Hall, rooms and salons. The second – together with its neoclassical-style restaurant and the Winter Garden, creates a carefully guarded atmosphere of the “Beautiful era” of the 20th century. Of these two hotels, there is direct access to the Terrace Pool, which is implemented in the shape of a shell and filled with sea water. Continue reading

Dwarf happiness costs huge money

Most citizens, when they say “dwarf,” have a blissful smile on their lips. Still would! Whose heart does not touch the dwarf poodle baby? Who will not be touched by the centuries-old dwarf pine? So is the dwarf state. On its territory, as if in a small casket, all the best was collected on several tens of hectares of land. While traveling by car, you can see all the wonders of the world in just half an hour …

The Principality of Monaco is for those who prefer to wake up in apartments decorated with gold, who are accustomed to tread on carpets made of natural wool, who can not do without immersion in a pool with mineral water, and, finally, for those who can easily do all of the above “Little things” is ready to lay out a tidy sum. Continue reading

Formula 1. Grand Prix of Monaco

April 14, 1929, at 13 hours 30 minutes under the High patronage of His Serene Highness Prince Louis II, Prince Pierre opened the first Grand Prix of Monaco. 16 riders had to complete 100 laps with a total length of 318 km. That was the beginning of the Monaco Grand Prix – a race which, along with Le Mans (Mans 24 hour) and Indianapolis (Indianapolis 500) is one of the most famous in the world!

Formula 1. Grand Prix of Monaco

So, this weekend, for the 64th time (the 53rd in Formula 1), the racers will go to the start of the famous “race around the casino”, and the same number of times this race, pretty seasoned with pure roulette madness, was kind championship in the championship. Continue reading

Monaco in the late XVIII - early XIX centuries
During the period of the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars. All possessions of the Monaco prince in France were lost after the French Constituent Assembly abolished feudal rights on…


The legendary king of the opera Monte Carlo
Already 1893 became a historical year in the life of the Monte Carlo Opera. Among the nine new productions performed by Gunsburg in his first season, of course, the world…


Royal circus
The XXXIII International Circus Festival in Monte Carlo brought together the best artists from around the world under the dome of the famous tent of Fontvieille. Among them were our…
