Adam and Eve with a cast iron core (part 1)
Breakfast in the morning at the hotel. I suffered a lot. For five euros I was fed a croissant, microporosion of jam with butter and coffee. And it's all! Let's…

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The memory of a trip to Monaco (part 1)
In travel plans, a visit to the state of Monaco was not made in advance. But, since these places were nearby, we decided to visit as many attractions in the…

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Older sister (part 2)
After the death of her husband, the princess closed up: she almost abandoned onerous secular duties and spent most of her time with her children in her village estate in…

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Monaco. History and culture of Monaco

The history of Monaco is largely the story of the Grimaldi family, which owns these lands. In 1918, an agreement was concluded between Monaco and France, according to which, after the complete disappearance of the Grimaldi dynasty, Monaco will become an autonomous region of France. The modern territory of Monaco was inhabited back in the Stone Age. According to legend, during the Roman era one young Corsican named Devot was executed, her body was placed in a boat and sent to Africa. The boat got off course and ran aground off the coast of Monaco, where the state was founded in honor of this girl. The first large-scale construction began here during the Genoese dynasty of the Gibellins, which ruled Monaco in the 13th century. But on January 8, 1297, the first representative of the Grimaldi clan crept into the Gibellin fortress, attacking them from the rear, and thereby ensured careless living for their descendants over the next 700 years. Continue reading

Albert's active life
In 1988, Prince Albert was appointed President of the Organizing Committee of the Monte Carlo Television Festival, held annually in the Principality in February, to which hundreds of television experts…


Monaco Grand Prix circuit
At the Formula 1 World Cup, the most “slow” and difficult step is precisely the legendary Monaco lap, which all riders dream to overcome. To do this, you need to…


About the tax-free system and the construction boom
For the first time, the principality seriously thought about the possibility of a financial catastrophe in the twenties, when the decline of the gaming industry sharply reduced the income of…
