Monaco - Millionaire Reserve
Monegasques (as the locals call themselves) manage from time to time to solve their "housing problem" without declaring war on neighboring France. Land is taken from the sea, filling new…

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Monaco Cathedral
Cathedral of Monaco - the main cathedral of the Principality of Monaco was built of white stone, brought from La Turbi. The cathedral stands on the site of an older…

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Monaco - Star Eden
Would you like to shop at Carrefour. And not because it’s inexpensive there. In the only supermarket of the Principality of Monaco, it's easier than ever to meet a real…

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Nature of monaco

Monaco is located on the southern periphery of the maritime Alps composed of limestone. The climate is Mediterranean with moderately warm winters (average January temperature + 8-10 ° С) and dry, warm and sunny summers (average July and August temperatures 24 ° С). There are up to 300 sunny days a year, and rainy – approx. 60. The average annual rainfall is 1300 mm. They fall mainly in the fall.

The Nature of Monaco The Alps protect the sea from the cold northerly winds. In summer, sea breezes have a cooling effect on the coast. Thanks to its mild climate, Monaco is a popular Mediterranean resort. In the coastal zone, the red-colored soils of terra rso and brown soils are developed; in the mountains, brown forest soils. Continue reading

Rolls-Royce Land (part 2)
Perhaps he is wiser and certainly more romantic than his foreign colleagues: instead of wasting energy on politics, he fervently patronizes everything that enhances the prestige of the principality, making…


Adam and Eve with a cast iron core (part 2)
Nice lawns and flowerbeds are broken on the terrace ... And here they are! The monument to our ancestors is the famous Eve and Adam. Guys, hello from Eva.Ru !!!…


Your home next door to presidents and princes
Monte Carlo, Nice, Cannes ... Sandy beaches and golf courses, fashionable resorts and princely palaces, palm trees and valleys with vineyards - all this excites the imagination and attracts many…
