Monte Carlo Country Club
In April 1892, Prince Charles III adopted the project for the construction of earthen tennis courts proposed by Count Bertor. Arriving in the principality in 1863, accompanied by Francois Blanc,…

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Monte Carlo Country Club
In April 1892, Prince Charles III adopted the project for the construction of earthen tennis courts proposed by Count Bertor. Arriving in the principality in 1863, accompanied by Francois Blanc,…

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Monaco Yacht Club
The principality's interest in sailing regattas has a long history. Indeed, back in 1886, the “Regatta Committee” was created, which, with the assistance of the Society of Sea Baths, organized…

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Three days in Monaco (part 2)

Have you rented the latest Renault model with French numbers? Respect does not wait, it’s better to walk. However, walking here is not dangerous: cameras are installed on the streets of Monte Carlo – police officers are watching day and night for every corner of the tiny state.
Hotel de Paris in Monte Carlo So that every defenseless lady in her luxurious fur coat and impossible diamonds can easily walk from the casino to her hotel, carrying a big win in her purse. (Although, as practice shows, even ubiquitous cameras do not save from apartment thefts. However, this is the scourge of the entire Cote d’Azur.) Previously, Russians valued Monaco primarily for Monte Carlo street, where the casino is located. In the casino, one of the few in Europe at the end of the 19th century, everyone rushed, starting with Chekhov and Prince Sumbatov, better known as the actor and playwright Yuzhin. Continue reading

About the tax-free system and the construction boom

For the first time, the principality seriously thought about the possibility of a financial catastrophe in the twenties, when the decline of the gaming industry sharply reduced the income of the dwarf state.

Jules Richard – as it turned out, a connoisseur of the local economy – willingly undertook to talk about how the principality managed to get out of a difficult situation.

We sat at the table of a small cafe on the promenade of Monte Carlo. My interlocutor sipped a beer from a tall glass and began like this:

– The prescription drug was found in a law containing two articles: the first one said that Monegasques living in France are subject to the tax system of France, not Monaco; the second article said that the French living in Monaco are subject to the laws of taxation of the principality and do not pay taxes to France. Continue reading

The legendary king of the opera Monte Carlo (part 2)
The opera premiered on February 24, 1910 and was greeted with delight. There is no place in this article to analyze this work of Massenet. For us, one thing is…


Monte Carlo Country Club
In April 1892, Prince Charles III adopted the project for the construction of earthen tennis courts proposed by Count Bertor. Arriving in the principality in 1863, accompanied by Francois Blanc,…


The legendary king of the opera Monte Carlo
Already 1893 became a historical year in the life of the Monte Carlo Opera. Among the nine new productions performed by Gunsburg in his first season, of course, the world…
