Rest for socialites
The quintessence of civilization. If you give each country the tourist characteristics of “one line”, then Monaco is a respectable vacation of a secular type. In the principality there are…

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Rolls-Royce Land (part 2)
Perhaps he is wiser and certainly more romantic than his foreign colleagues: instead of wasting energy on politics, he fervently patronizes everything that enhances the prestige of the principality, making…

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Three days in Monaco (part 2)
Have you rented the latest Renault model with French numbers? Respect does not wait, it’s better to walk. However, walking here is not dangerous: cameras are installed on the streets…

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Monaco Yacht Club

The principality’s interest in sailing regattas has a long history. Indeed, back in 1886, the “Regatta Committee” was created, which, with the assistance of the Society of Sea Baths, organized during the social season races on yachts belonging to various owners of the Mediterranean coast or the Italian Riviera.

Then, in 1888, a group of 12 Monaco decided to form a sports society, the aim of which was to develop such water disciplines as sailing and rowing. Thus, with the great support of Prince Albert I, the Society of Regattas of Monaco was released.

Monaco Yacht Club

However, the Yacht Club as such was created only in 1953 at the initiative of Prince Rainier III. Later, the Regatta Society will give the sailing section to its competence, but will retain rowing as a water discipline.

Since 1985, Prince Albert was appointed father to the post of President of the Yacht Club. A yacht club that does not have serious technical equipment (a pontoon bridge, a crane, a sailing school …) in addition to participating in water competitions has the main purpose of organizing sports events in the principality.

Among the most famous competitions, it should be noted such as “Off-shore” (the first was held in 1983), the Monaco-New York race (the first start, which was given in 1985), the Crown Prince Albert Cup, as well as the International Yachting competition club.

In 1994, the Monaco Yacht Club organized a grand meeting of old sailing and motorized vessels to participate in the Monaco Classic Wick competition in order to celebrate the 10th anniversary of being the President of the Prince Albert Club and the 90th anniversary of the first motor boat competition, which took place in the principality in 1904, marking a new era of the extraordinary development of motor technology in all areas.

Combining prestigious events with purely sports competitions, the Monaco Yacht Club continues the maritime tradition, firmly entrenched in the Principality.

Monaco Hotels
Wealth and diversity are two characteristic features of the hotel sector of the principality. Old palaces are witnesses of a magnificent past and incomparable luxury. Speaking as a symbol of…


Principality before the Second World War
The principality, which was reduced in size and deprived of resources, was in an extremely difficult financial and economic situation. Raising taxes further was impossible. Back in the 1850s, the…


Monaco Grand Prix circuit
At the Formula 1 World Cup, the most “slow” and difficult step is precisely the legendary Monaco lap, which all riders dream to overcome. To do this, you need to…
