The memory of a trip to Monaco (part 2)
Extraordinary beauty - like this, in ordinary words I express my admiration and joy to the places that have opened up for me. I also remember the photo session near…

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Royal circus
The XXXIII International Circus Festival in Monte Carlo brought together the best artists from around the world under the dome of the famous tent of Fontvieille. Among them were our…

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Three days in Monaco (part 3)
However, Mireillea is married, and if that gentleman ever finds his Monegasque, he himself will not become a happy taxpayer anyway. Only his children will be recognized as full citizens…

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Formula 1. Grand Prix of Monaco

April 14, 1929, at 13 hours 30 minutes under the High patronage of His Serene Highness Prince Louis II, Prince Pierre opened the first Grand Prix of Monaco. 16 riders had to complete 100 laps with a total length of 318 km. That was the beginning of the Monaco Grand Prix – a race which, along with Le Mans (Mans 24 hour) and Indianapolis (Indianapolis 500) is one of the most famous in the world!

Formula 1. Grand Prix of Monaco

So, this weekend, for the 64th time (the 53rd in Formula 1), the racers will go to the start of the famous “race around the casino”, and the same number of times this race, pretty seasoned with pure roulette madness, was kind championship in the championship. Indeed, in order to forever go down in the history of Formula 1, it’s enough to win once in Monaco, on the track, as if shackled in the ruthless metal of the chippers. You can never win anything: in the annals of “Formula 1” your name will still be inscribed in gold letters. That’s why this race has such a high price.

It is clear that the track in Monaco does not meet the safety requirements that the FIA ​​puts forward. And although the race in Monaco is the most difficult in the calendar of the championship (just one tiny inaccuracy – and you’re out of the game!), But at the same time it is the most interesting race of the season!

Unlike most modern tracks, where the main role is played by the power of engines, in Monte Carlo pilot skill comes first (or say so – more depends on the rider than on his car), although the ideal settings of the car are very important. On a long climb, as well as in a tunnel, speed is very important, but the downforce on the rest of the route is much more important. The race in Monaco is very tiring – for 78 laps, pilots go through more than 1000 turns!

Tickets can be bought before the Grand Prix at special kiosks located on the highway. Ticket prices range from 46 to 323 euros for really good seats. The best sectors are A1, A4, V, Z1, Z2 and O. There are also entrance tickets to the lawn in front of the Palace for about 30 euros.

Many residents of Monaco rent terraces and balconies in their homes for the duration of the race, the rental price for 4 days can range from 4,500 to 10,000 euros. Such offers can be found in the newspapers International Herald Tribune and The Nice Monaco Matin. In addition, restaurants and hotels located along the highway offer a special menu that includes, in addition to food and drinks, spectator seats on the balconies. Their cost can be from 100 to 500 euros per day.

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