Rolls-Royce Land (part 3)
They collected everything from painting to nautical charts, from historical archives to skeletons of extinct animals. Prince Rainier III is a passionate lover of antique cars: his collection of more…

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Roses in memory of a beloved
On January 27, 304, a ship was thrown onto a rocky seashore, on it was the body of the young Christian martyr Devot - as the legend says. A white…

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Monaco Cathedral
Cathedral of Monaco - the main cathedral of the Principality of Monaco was built of white stone, brought from La Turbi. The cathedral stands on the site of an older…

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Monaco – Millionaire Reserve

Monegasques (as the locals call themselves) manage from time to time to solve their “housing problem” without declaring war on neighboring France. Land is taken from the sea, filling new areas with earth. Thus, the area of ​​Fontvieille with an area of ​​220,000 square meters appeared. meters. Is it worth mentioning that a meter of land in Monaco costs crazy money?

All can be kings. The ancient family of Grimaldi ruled the principality from the fourteenth century: it turns out that this is the oldest ruling dynasty in Europe. If other European monarchs have long lost their leadership status and exist mainly “for prestige”, then the Prince of Monaco still solves all the political and economic issues of the country. Continue reading

Three days in Monaco (part 3)
However, Mireillea is married, and if that gentleman ever finds his Monegasque, he himself will not become a happy taxpayer anyway. Only his children will be recognized as full citizens…


Older sister (part 1)
Among the inhabitants of the Principality of Monaco, a legend is known about how the distant ancestor of Grimaldi rejected the harassment of a certain lady who turned out to…


Monaco Yacht Show
Monaco annually hosts a significant event in the world of the yachting industry - a yacht show. Only luxury yachts take part in it, so for those who are not…
