The legendary king of the opera Monte Carlo (part 2)
The opera premiered on February 24, 1910 and was greeted with delight. There is no place in this article to analyze this work of Massenet. For us, one thing is…

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Roulette is the best gamble
The name of one of the most popular gambling in the world - roulette - gave the French word roulette (wheel). And it is deeply natural. After all, roulette began…

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Three days in Monaco (part 2)
Have you rented the latest Renault model with French numbers? Respect does not wait, it’s better to walk. However, walking here is not dangerous: cameras are installed on the streets…

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strange circumstances

Monaco – Millionaire Reserve

Monegasques (as the locals call themselves) manage from time to time to solve their “housing problem” without declaring war on neighboring France. Land is taken from the sea, filling new areas with earth. Thus, the area of ​​Fontvieille with an area of ​​220,000 square meters appeared. meters. Is it worth mentioning that a meter of land in Monaco costs crazy money?

All can be kings. The ancient family of Grimaldi ruled the principality from the fourteenth century: it turns out that this is the oldest ruling dynasty in Europe. If other European monarchs have long lost their leadership status and exist mainly “for prestige”, then the Prince of Monaco still solves all the political and economic issues of the country. Continue reading

Rest for socialites
The quintessence of civilization. If you give each country the tourist characteristics of “one line”, then Monaco is a respectable vacation of a secular type. In the principality there are…


Monte Carlo Country Club
In April 1892, Prince Charles III adopted the project for the construction of earthen tennis courts proposed by Count Bertor. Arriving in the principality in 1863, accompanied by Francois Blanc,…


Formula 1. Grand Prix of Monaco
April 14, 1929, at 13 hours 30 minutes under the High patronage of His Serene Highness Prince Louis II, Prince Pierre opened the first Grand Prix of Monaco. 16 riders…
