Monte Carlo Country Club
In April 1892, Prince Charles III adopted the project for the construction of earthen tennis courts proposed by Count Bertor. Arriving in the principality in 1863, accompanied by Francois Blanc,…

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Older sister (part 2)
After the death of her husband, the princess closed up: she almost abandoned onerous secular duties and spent most of her time with her children in her village estate in…

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Three days in Monaco (part 3)
However, Mireillea is married, and if that gentleman ever finds his Monegasque, he himself will not become a happy taxpayer anyway. Only his children will be recognized as full citizens…

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building on the site

Monte Carlo Country Club

In April 1892, Prince Charles III adopted the project for the construction of earthen tennis courts proposed by Count Bertor. Arriving in the principality in 1863, accompanied by Francois Blanc, the managing director of the Society of Sea Baths, he was able to get a loan for the gambling establishment “Lawn Tennis” and playing croquet. Construction work on laying the foundation began in the month of May behind the building of the Hotel de Paris and lasted a whole year.

In 1905, the Sea Bath Society decided to build an additional building for the Hotel de Paris, and thus the tennis courts were forced to “move”. Continue reading

The Country Grace Kelly Created

On April 19, 1956, Hollywood actress Grace Kelly married Rainier III, Prince of Monaco. This date was the beginning of the heyday of the principality. After the marriage of Prince Rainier to a Hollywood movie star, the inconspicuous and gradually fading Monaco turned into the center of European social life and one of the most expensive countries in the world.

I was relaxing in Nice in one of the hotels near the Anglais promenade, from where I raided nearby villages, famous for something or someone, or just seemed to me worthy of attention for no apparent reason. So, Cannes was honored with a visit because of the film festival, Grass – as the perfumery capital of the world, Bridget Bardot lives in Saint-Tropez, and Cap-Ferrat – the most beautiful place of Cote d’Ajour, here lived Baroness Rothschild, Churchill, Isadora Duncan and the king Leopold II Belgian. Continue reading

Monaco Grand Prix circuit

At the Formula 1 World Cup, the most “slow” and difficult step is precisely the legendary Monaco lap, which all riders dream to overcome. To do this, you need to make a lot of effort, since the slightest mistake when driving along the streets of the principality can become fatal. It is difficult for single cars to “fit” into the circumference of the highway in the city center temporarily reserved for them, the borders of which are protected by safety sides.

Since it is almost impossible to increase speed during the rally, the qualifications of the riders decide everything. Given the fact that technical problems arise very often, it is the skill of driving that helps them not to go beyond the limits of the circle allotted for competitions. Continue reading

About the tax-free system and the construction boom
For the first time, the principality seriously thought about the possibility of a financial catastrophe in the twenties, when the decline of the gaming industry sharply reduced the income of…


Monaco - Millionaire Reserve
Monegasques (as the locals call themselves) manage from time to time to solve their "housing problem" without declaring war on neighboring France. Land is taken from the sea, filling new…


The best museum of Monaco (part 2)
After the death of Albert I, the museum went dead, because the sea was not at all interested in the new owner of the rock of Monaco. Inflation, which swept…
