Royal circus
The XXXIII International Circus Festival in Monte Carlo brought together the best artists from around the world under the dome of the famous tent of Fontvieille. Among them were our…

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The Country Grace Kelly Created
On April 19, 1956, Hollywood actress Grace Kelly married Rainier III, Prince of Monaco. This date was the beginning of the heyday of the principality. After the marriage of Prince…

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Roulette is the best gamble
The name of one of the most popular gambling in the world - roulette - gave the French word roulette (wheel). And it is deeply natural. After all, roulette began…

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prehistoric cave open

Three days in Monaco (part 3)

However, Mireillea is married, and if that gentleman ever finds his Monegasque, he himself will not become a happy taxpayer anyway. Only his children will be recognized as full citizens of the principality.
The queue in Monegasques is long. And life is short. Although among my contemporaries-Russians there are at least residents, it means that there is a chance. They say that Prince Rainier is not too generous in the distribution of residence permits, and not only in relation to Eastern Europe. Just those who want to fit in these two and a half kilometers more than necessary. And they say that at an interview when obtaining a permit to live in Monaco, it is better to say this: I want to live in your country, because the climate here is very beautiful, safe and wonderful. It seems to be true, and it is believed. Continue reading

Collection of vintage cars Prince of Monaco

“This is not a car museum, but a private collection of antique cars of all ages and all countries. Available to everyone or prestigious, they were the masterpieces of their time and I really liked it, ”is how Prince Rainier III defines this collection of antique cars. In the small world of lovers and collectors, there are many people who share His Highness’s interest in these cars, but few of them have the privilege and opportunity to visit the prince’s garage and, thus, personally witness his great impulse of passion. Currently, more than one hundred exhibits are offered to the general public for general enjoyment.

This collection of cars does not adhere to a strict chronological framework. It was just that the sovereign prince decided in it to show evolution in the history of mechanics. Continue reading

Rolls-Royce Land (part 3)

They collected everything from painting to nautical charts, from historical archives to skeletons of extinct animals. Prince Rainier III is a passionate lover of antique cars: his collection of more than 100 vintage cars is exhibited in the exhibition hall in Fontvieille.
Already in the twentieth century, the southern wing of the palace was built, where the apartments of the Crown Prince are now located. It also houses the exposition of the Napoleon Museum with a unique collection of objects and personal belongings of the emperor, as well as the palace archives of the Grimaldi dynasty, letters and manuscripts of Charles V, Louis XIV, Richelieu, a collection of old military uniforms, coins, postage stamps, paintings and engravings. Continue reading

Roulette is the best gamble
The name of one of the most popular gambling in the world - roulette - gave the French word roulette (wheel). And it is deeply natural. After all, roulette began…


Three days in Monaco (part 2)
Have you rented the latest Renault model with French numbers? Respect does not wait, it’s better to walk. However, walking here is not dangerous: cameras are installed on the streets…


Nature of monaco
Monaco is located on the southern periphery of the maritime Alps composed of limestone. The climate is Mediterranean with moderately warm winters (average January temperature + 8-10 ° С) and…
