Rolls-Royce Land (part 2)
Perhaps he is wiser and certainly more romantic than his foreign colleagues: instead of wasting energy on politics, he fervently patronizes everything that enhances the prestige of the principality, making…

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The best museum of Monaco (part 2)
After the death of Albert I, the museum went dead, because the sea was not at all interested in the new owner of the rock of Monaco. Inflation, which swept…

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Monaco relies on extraordinary
For just a few months, a magnificent white building resembling a transatlantic liner will excite the curiosity of the inhabitants and guests of Monaco. The new entertainment complex Ni Box,…

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Monte Carlo Country Club

In April 1892, Prince Charles III adopted the project for the construction of earthen tennis courts proposed by Count Bertor. Arriving in the principality in 1863, accompanied by Francois Blanc, the managing director of the Society of Sea Baths, he was able to get a loan for the gambling establishment “Lawn Tennis” and playing croquet. Construction work on laying the foundation began in the month of May behind the building of the Hotel de Paris and lasted a whole year.

In 1905, the Sea Bath Society decided to build an additional building for the Hotel de Paris, and thus the tennis courts were forced to “move”. Continue reading

Three days in Monaco (part 2)
Have you rented the latest Renault model with French numbers? Respect does not wait, it’s better to walk. However, walking here is not dangerous: cameras are installed on the streets…


Older sister (part 2)
After the death of her husband, the princess closed up: she almost abandoned onerous secular duties and spent most of her time with her children in her village estate in…


The most famous mile in the world
The Principality of Monaco is just 1.95 km2 and it is without a doubt the most famous square mile on the planet. Situated on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea,…
