Monte Carlo Golf Club
This club is located in France, on Mount Mont-Agel 900 meters above sea level; its site includes 18 holes on 71, with a total length of 5,667 m. It is…

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Monaco Cathedral
Cathedral of Monaco - the main cathedral of the Principality of Monaco was built of white stone, brought from La Turbi. The cathedral stands on the site of an older…

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Principality before the Second World War
The principality, which was reduced in size and deprived of resources, was in an extremely difficult financial and economic situation. Raising taxes further was impossible. Back in the 1850s, the…

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The best museum of Monaco (part 1)

The French Riviera, Monaco, Monte Carlo … Imagination immediately draws a kind of distant, inaccessible world of sun, celebration, passion and excitement, interspersed with yachts, “Rolls-Royces” and champagne fountains. Slender palm trees and tanned ladies on the golden edge of the azure sea, caressing the soles of white-stone villas and medieval castles. The ultramodern masses that are leaving in tiers up the steep slopes of the natural amphitheater are cut here and there by straight ones like an arrow, autobahns or twisted asphalt serpentines … So, Monaco. Two recent events, which cannot be called ordinary, are connected with this place: firstly, the tiny state, which can be crossed on foot in just an hour, marked the 700th anniversary of the ruling Grimaldi dynasty, and secondly, sadly enough , the life of captain Jacques-Yves-Cousteau, a great explorer of the deep sea, who for a long time headed the local Museum of Oceanography, one of the honorary citizens of Monaco, broke off … Continue reading

Rolls-Royce Land (part 2)
Perhaps he is wiser and certainly more romantic than his foreign colleagues: instead of wasting energy on politics, he fervently patronizes everything that enhances the prestige of the principality, making…


Albert's active life
In 1988, Prince Albert was appointed President of the Organizing Committee of the Monte Carlo Television Festival, held annually in the Principality in February, to which hundreds of television experts…


Monaco in the late XVIII - early XIX centuries
During the period of the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars. All possessions of the Monaco prince in France were lost after the French Constituent Assembly abolished feudal rights on…
