The art of appeasing guests
In Monaco, even everyday life is like an eternal holiday. A tiny rocky piece of land at the junction of the Cote d'Azur and the Italian Riviera as a powerful…

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Adam and Eve with a cast iron core (part 1)
Breakfast in the morning at the hotel. I suffered a lot. For five euros I was fed a croissant, microporosion of jam with butter and coffee. And it's all! Let's…

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Formula 1. Grand Prix of Monaco
April 14, 1929, at 13 hours 30 minutes under the High patronage of His Serene Highness Prince Louis II, Prince Pierre opened the first Grand Prix of Monaco. 16 riders…

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Monaco Grand Prix circuit

At the Formula 1 World Cup, the most “slow” and difficult step is precisely the legendary Monaco lap, which all riders dream to overcome. To do this, you need to make a lot of effort, since the slightest mistake when driving along the streets of the principality can become fatal. It is difficult for single cars to “fit” into the circumference of the highway in the city center temporarily reserved for them, the borders of which are protected by safety sides.

Since it is almost impossible to increase speed during the rally, the qualifications of the riders decide everything. Given the fact that technical problems arise very often, it is the skill of driving that helps them not to go beyond the limits of the circle allotted for competitions. Continue reading

Monte Carlo Golf Club
This club is located in France, on Mount Mont-Agel 900 meters above sea level; its site includes 18 holes on 71, with a total length of 5,667 m. It is…


Rolls-Royce Land (part 2)
Perhaps he is wiser and certainly more romantic than his foreign colleagues: instead of wasting energy on politics, he fervently patronizes everything that enhances the prestige of the principality, making…


Dwarf happiness costs huge money
Most citizens, when they say “dwarf,” have a blissful smile on their lips. Still would! Whose heart does not touch the dwarf poodle baby? Who will not be touched by…
