The Country Grace Kelly Created
On April 19, 1956, Hollywood actress Grace Kelly married Rainier III, Prince of Monaco. This date was the beginning of the heyday of the principality. After the marriage of Prince…

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Nature of monaco
Monaco is located on the southern periphery of the maritime Alps composed of limestone. The climate is Mediterranean with moderately warm winters (average January temperature + 8-10 ° С) and…

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Monaco in the late XVIII - early XIX centuries
During the period of the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars. All possessions of the Monaco prince in France were lost after the French Constituent Assembly abolished feudal rights on…

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Adam and Eve with a cast iron core (part 1)

Breakfast in the morning at the hotel. I suffered a lot. For five euros I was fed a croissant, microporosion of jam with butter and coffee. And it’s all! Let’s go look for a place to eat. We found a wonderful Multery cafe on Avenue Jean Medicin. Pastries, different salads, great coffee. Coffee seems to be a traditional French drink. There are many of him and he is of good quality. But there are big problems with tea. Even in an expensive restaurant you will be offered a bag of Lipton … horror. I hate tampon tea!

Monaco is conveniently accessible by train. At the station, we deal with a vending machine that sells tickets for a long time. Continue reading

Three days in Monaco (part 2)
Have you rented the latest Renault model with French numbers? Respect does not wait, it’s better to walk. However, walking here is not dangerous: cameras are installed on the streets…


Rest for socialites
The quintessence of civilization. If you give each country the tourist characteristics of “one line”, then Monaco is a respectable vacation of a secular type. In the principality there are…


The memory of a trip to Monaco (part 1)
In travel plans, a visit to the state of Monaco was not made in advance. But, since these places were nearby, we decided to visit as many attractions in the…
