Dwarf happiness costs huge money
Most citizens, when they say “dwarf,” have a blissful smile on their lips. Still would! Whose heart does not touch the dwarf poodle baby? Who will not be touched by…

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Three days in Monaco (part 3)
However, Mireillea is married, and if that gentleman ever finds his Monegasque, he himself will not become a happy taxpayer anyway. Only his children will be recognized as full citizens…

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Rolls-Royce Land (part 2)
Perhaps he is wiser and certainly more romantic than his foreign colleagues: instead of wasting energy on politics, he fervently patronizes everything that enhances the prestige of the principality, making…

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National Museum

Roses in memory of a beloved

On January 27, 304, a ship was thrown onto a rocky seashore, on it was the body of the young Christian martyr Devot – as the legend says. A white dove led the ship to the shores of Monaco; it was found by local fishermen. A chapel was built on this place, so Holy Devot became the patroness of Monaco. A solemn ceremony is held every year in January: representatives of the princely family burn a fishing vessel and release a white dove in memory of the patron saint.

One of the brightest pages in the history of the principality is a beautiful love story. In 1956, Hollywood actress Grace Kelly married the representative of the ancient princely family of Grimaldi, Prince of Monaco Rainier III. Continue reading

Rolls-Royce Land (part 1)
In Monaco, the powers that be are twisting novels, losing crazy amounts in casinos, and indulging in other pleasures of life ... Thoughts free and involuntary The yachts on the…


Royal circus
The XXXIII International Circus Festival in Monte Carlo brought together the best artists from around the world under the dome of the famous tent of Fontvieille. Among them were our…


Three days in Monaco (part 3)
However, Mireillea is married, and if that gentleman ever finds his Monegasque, he himself will not become a happy taxpayer anyway. Only his children will be recognized as full citizens…
