About the tax-free system and the construction boom
For the first time, the principality seriously thought about the possibility of a financial catastrophe in the twenties, when the decline of the gaming industry sharply reduced the income of…

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Roses in memory of a beloved
On January 27, 304, a ship was thrown onto a rocky seashore, on it was the body of the young Christian martyr Devot - as the legend says. A white…

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The best museum of Monaco (part 1)
The French Riviera, Monaco, Monte Carlo ... Imagination immediately draws a kind of distant, inaccessible world of sun, celebration, passion and excitement, interspersed with yachts, "Rolls-Royces" and champagne fountains. Slender…

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Monaco in the late XVIII – early XIX centuries

During the period of the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars. All possessions of the Monaco prince in France were lost after the French Constituent Assembly abolished feudal rights on the night of August 4, 1789. Initially, the meeting upheld the Peronn Treaty and even intended to compensate the prince for the loss of his property, valued at 273,786 francs. However, after the overthrow of the French king in 1792, this project was abandoned. Honore III’s references to the Treaty of Perno were unsuccessful, and by the time the prince died in 1795, the financial well-being of the dynasty was already undermined.

Napoleon Bonaparte In Monaco itself, a struggle broke out between the two parties. One of them advocated maintaining the sovereignty of the principality. Continue reading

Rolls-Royce Land (part 1)
In Monaco, the powers that be are twisting novels, losing crazy amounts in casinos, and indulging in other pleasures of life ... Thoughts free and involuntary The yachts on the…


Older sister (part 2)
After the death of her husband, the princess closed up: she almost abandoned onerous secular duties and spent most of her time with her children in her village estate in…


The legendary king of the opera Monte Carlo (part 2)
The opera premiered on February 24, 1910 and was greeted with delight. There is no place in this article to analyze this work of Massenet. For us, one thing is…
