The Country Grace Kelly Created
On April 19, 1956, Hollywood actress Grace Kelly married Rainier III, Prince of Monaco. This date was the beginning of the heyday of the principality. After the marriage of Prince…

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Three days in Monaco (part 2)
Have you rented the latest Renault model with French numbers? Respect does not wait, it’s better to walk. However, walking here is not dangerous: cameras are installed on the streets…

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Monaco - Star Eden
Would you like to shop at Carrefour. And not because it’s inexpensive there. In the only supermarket of the Principality of Monaco, it's easier than ever to meet a real…

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Adam and Eve with a cast iron core (part 2)

Nice lawns and flowerbeds are broken on the terrace … And here they are! The monument to our ancestors is the famous Eve and Adam. Guys, hello from Eva.Ru !!! A member of Adam is polished – everyone strives to touch his hands. We did not, as it was inconvenient in broad daylight. Adam is so impressive. Eve, however, too. At Eve’s feet, a small cannonball is an apple.

We are looking for the entrance to the Monte Carlo casino. For reference – Monte Carlo, this is the quarter of Monaco. Fences, fences … damn it! How do we get inside? We wander in the end at the Grand Hotel casino. An impressive but polite doorman. Explains what needs to be undressed in the wardrobe. The camera is niht. Continue reading

Rolls-Royce Land (part 1)
In Monaco, the powers that be are twisting novels, losing crazy amounts in casinos, and indulging in other pleasures of life ... Thoughts free and involuntary The yachts on the…


Rolls-Royce Land (part 2)
Perhaps he is wiser and certainly more romantic than his foreign colleagues: instead of wasting energy on politics, he fervently patronizes everything that enhances the prestige of the principality, making…


Monaco Cathedral
Cathedral of Monaco - the main cathedral of the Principality of Monaco was built of white stone, brought from La Turbi. The cathedral stands on the site of an older…
