Collection of vintage cars Prince of Monaco
“This is not a car museum, but a private collection of antique cars of all ages and all countries. Available to everyone or prestigious, they were the masterpieces of their…

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The most famous mile in the world
The Principality of Monaco is just 1.95 km2 and it is without a doubt the most famous square mile on the planet. Situated on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea,…

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The legendary king of the opera Monte Carlo
Already 1893 became a historical year in the life of the Monte Carlo Opera. Among the nine new productions performed by Gunsburg in his first season, of course, the world…

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Exotic Garden

Roses in memory of a beloved

On January 27, 304, a ship was thrown onto a rocky seashore, on it was the body of the young Christian martyr Devot – as the legend says. A white dove led the ship to the shores of Monaco; it was found by local fishermen. A chapel was built on this place, so Holy Devot became the patroness of Monaco. A solemn ceremony is held every year in January: representatives of the princely family burn a fishing vessel and release a white dove in memory of the patron saint.

One of the brightest pages in the history of the principality is a beautiful love story. In 1956, Hollywood actress Grace Kelly married the representative of the ancient princely family of Grimaldi, Prince of Monaco Rainier III. Continue reading

Monaco - Millionaire Reserve
Monegasques (as the locals call themselves) manage from time to time to solve their "housing problem" without declaring war on neighboring France. Land is taken from the sea, filling new…


Monaco Yacht Show
Monaco annually hosts a significant event in the world of the yachting industry - a yacht show. Only luxury yachts take part in it, so for those who are not…


The memory of a trip to Monaco (part 1)
In travel plans, a visit to the state of Monaco was not made in advance. But, since these places were nearby, we decided to visit as many attractions in the…
